Hot write gallery – deep sea creatures

We finished off our information text units this week by doing our hot write about our deep sea creature. We then showed off our work to the rest of the class by going around and reading other people’s. The children were extremely proud of their writing and so they should be! Congratulations to the children who have earned their pen licences this week too.


This half term the theme is journeys and we are looking at orientating ourselves in the world. This starts with map reading skills and looking at where we are in the globe. We have been learning about the Northern and Southern Hemisphere and where the equator is. Can you find how many countries the equator goes through?

The Water Cycle

We have been learning about the water cycle in Geography this week. We have learned about the ‘tion’ words – precipitation, condensation and evaporation. We have set up our own in- class experiment and are really hoping for some sunnier, warmer days so we can see the water cycle in front of our eyes!

World book day- spoons and map making!

Wow- we were blown away by all of the entries in the wooden spoon competition! There are over 200 on display in the library and the winners from each class will be announced next Friday. In our class we had Hermione, a dragon and a tiger among many more.

We also looked at fantasy land maps that feature in lots of books e.g. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and created our own.

VR Blue Planet and Y4 Arts Show

We had a very exciting afternoon exploring the depths of the Ocean through Virtual Reality! The children saw turtles, sharks and fish and learned facts about each creature.

Also, our Year 4 arts show is on Thursday 7th March from 5-7pm. Please sign up on Parent Pay if you haven’t already. We are so excited to perform and welcome professional dancers to our school!

Moortown library

Today we went on a short walk down to Moortown library and learned all about the books that were available there, how to request books they might have in and how to get a library card. The children were really excited by the range of books they had there and couldn’t believe that a library card and loaning the books is completely free!

E- safety day

Today was our e- safety so we have been learning about how to stay safe online and about famous people who work in computing! Have you shown your adults ‘interland’ yet- would they pass the online safety test?